Portal: Infinity is Madness

I recently bought the game, Portal. You may have heard of it. It is a game that's all about solving obstacles, by using a portal gun. In the game, there's a trick that was a bit of dumb fun. You see, whenever I was at a friend's house, I would place a portal above my character, then below. Then, I would fall pratically forever. I eventually got sick from doing it a couple of times, but it was worth it. I decided to buy the game a few years later, and needless to say.... I shouldn't have came back.
I decided to do the ol' infinite portal trick, and when I did, that's when things began to get weird. Every time I went down in the portal, the screen got darker, and it was becoming red. I continued for about a minute, thinking it was a secret or something. It was eventually pitch black. I spawned in what seemed to be a house. all of the textures were screwed up, and almost all of the models were red error signs. I eventually went into the bathroom of the place, and found a mirror. it was not a reflection, but a still image., It was Glad0S. I kept hearing her taunting me, and telling the main character, who I now know is chell, that she's utterly useless, and that even an ape would get a better test result. I was kind of mad, and chell seemed so, too. The screen zoomed out, and chell let out an ear-bursting scream. The found a gun on the floor, and flipped out. She continued to scream and yell while the background became the first test room. She eventually shot herself, and the screen became almost entirely red. I saw blood and gun on the test room floor. she went insane, and killed herself. I didn't really install any mods, so this was kinda confusing. Valve eventually emailed me, and told me that what I saw was originally the ending of portal, and they accidentally left it in the game. They removed it a day after, but I don't think i'll play portal again for a day or so. It didn't freak me out, as it did annoy and confuse me. My ears are slowly recovering after that loud noise I heard earlier. I hope they recover.